Monday, February 19, 2007

Don't get dead

The Movie: Cyborg 2, directed by Michael Schroeder
Recommendation: Me
Reason: The movie cost two dollars in a superstore bargain bin, and it starred Angelina Jolie in her second movie appearance ever.

Sequels never go well. Generally speaking, they're a bad idea, though there are a few noteable exceptions. Having never seen the first one, I went into Cyborg 2 a little unprepared. Fortunately it's a B-movie with a saran wrap thin plot and bad special effects. No one needs any extra preparation for that.

The only notable thing about the film was Angelina Jolie, who was well above sub-par in her second movie role ever. She managed to act, which was more than could be said for everyone else. It wasn't a tour de force, not worth any kind of significant praise, but it was an early indication of her talent. On the scenery chewing front, nobody could be better than Billy Drago, who pranced through the movie like a demented David Bowie. I actually really liked him, as weird as that might be. He brought a weird sort of hilarity to the proceedings with his expansive overacting.

-48/365 down, 317/365 to go

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