Monday, February 19, 2007

Italy, land of a thousand bad, cheap actors

The Movie: The Last Man on Earth, directed by Ubaldo Ragona
Recommendation: Dee
Reason: The love of Vincent Price is a powerful force.

Everyone but Vincent Price in this movie was awful. Fortunately, they didn't take up too much screen time, leaving plenty of time to appreciate the cheesy awesome that is Mr. Price. Through the voiceovers that provided most of the exposition (and were an excellent plot device, considering the situation), he chewed the scenery and played off of absolutely nothing to make a really neat movie.

This was an Italian-made horror movie, very, very B-movie, and it was fun to watch. Not particularily scary, but a good storyline from the novel "I am Legend". The filming was alright, appropriate to the piece. It was very dark, even for black and white. Not a bad way to kill an hour and then some.

-49/365 down, 316/365 to go

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