Monday, March 12, 2007

Dude. Just...dude...

The Movie: Point Break, directed by Katheryn Bigelow
Recommendation: H
Reason: No reason given. I'll assume it's because of Keanu plus Patrick plus Gary Busey

Alright. So Point Break is a pretty formulaic action movie with some really neat little twists and turns in it. There are some genuine 'adrenaline' moments, in an otherwise pedestrian flick. All of them are provided by Patrick Swayze, in a surprisingly decent turn as Bodhi, leader of the Ex-Presidents. In fact, all of the best images in the film, as well as the awesome action sequences, involve Swayze.

Keanu Reeves was up to his usual Keanuey tricks, his FBI agent act completely unconvincing. If you've gotta watch Point Break, watch Lori Petty and the aforementioned Swayze. Lori Petty brings the hotness, and Swayze brings the awesome. His "Bohdi" character was like a surfing, gun wielding, skydiving hedonist viking with all the trappings. A real treat to watch.

As with most action movies, this is one where you need to turn off your brain. The plot's got a million holes, but some of the action sequences are gold. And it's an inspiration for Hot Fuzz. Everyone go see Hot Fuzz as soon as you can.

-65/365 down, 300/365 to go

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