Thursday, March 1, 2007

He's not gone. He's never gone!

The Movie: What About Bob?, directed by Frank Oz
Recommendation: Dee
Reason: "Bill Murray is so funny!"

I really needed a break. As you can see , there've been some really psychologically gruelling films over the last week. Man Bites Dog just won't leave my head, and so the double bill of "Trisha Takinawa is Dead" on Lost and What About Bob? was the perfect thing to wash the dirt out of my psyche. Though Hurley's tale of woe and heartache was fun, What About Bob? was just really nice.

I appreciate Bill Murray's acting more and more every time I see one of his early films. Oddly, I don't have as much experience with his more recent work, though I'm looking to change that. He's a funny man, always has been, and I'm interested to see his dramatic turns. Tears of a clown. In What About Bob? he's his usual wacky force of nature, quirky and odd as he wanders through the story. His counterpoint in this odd couple comedy is Richard Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss's character is a good foil. He doesn't do much beyond explode at Murray's offbeat antics, but that's all he needs to do.

The film is funny, quirky and a little dark, but it's not black as pitch. It's what I needed to see, basically. Go Bill Murray.

-58/365 down, 307/365 to go

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