Friday, March 16, 2007

Taping a badass to another badass

The Movie: 300, directed by Zack Snyder
Recommendation: Me
Reason: Frank Miller comic book movie? Get me my ticket!

I've been looking forward to this movie for months. Possibly nearly a year, since I first heard that another of Frank Miller's visually striking works was being adapted to film. I'm still eagerly anticipating Sin City 2, but 300 worked nicely to tide me over. The visuals that I'd slavered over in every trailer I could track down were wonderful on the large screen. The colors jumped, the choice of digital photography was an excellent one. The drama was heightened by the incredibly sharp contrast the film was shot in.

Acting was admittedly a little shaky in this movie, but it's a popcorn action movie. I wasn't expecting gold, only enough shine to keep the story moving. I'm trying not to entirely blame Rodrigo Santoro, because it isn't all his fault, and I know I'm just being blinded by my hatred of Nikki and Paolo on Lost. He wasn't spectacular, he was alright as Xerxes the eight foot tall drag-god. Gerard Butler was the height of bellowing awesomeness, of course. Admittedly, there was a lot of cheering from our seats for the queen of the Spartans, especially in her moment of glory. (No spoilers here, sorry.)

Was a pretty cool experience overall. The pageant of badassosity was spectacular, as it should have been. I can forgive its weak points, because it delivered the one thing I expected-two hours of sweaty, glistening men in very little clothing, stabbing each other and being awesome. I have low standards, I really do sometimes.

-68/365 down, 297/365 to go

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