Thursday, August 9, 2007

Parody, done right.

The Movie: Hot Fuzz, directed by Edgar Wright
Recommendation: Me!
Reason: I love Shaun of the Dead, the earlier effort from these guys.

In Shaun of the Dead, Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright created a movie packed with references to the zombie movies that had come before. Everything about the film was influenced by its predecessors. In Hot Fuzz, they did it again. With their trademark quick-cuts and the sort of speedy humor that you seem to only get in British film, they carried off the action genre with aplomb.

Every cliche is intentional. Viewers familiar with these guys will probably agree with that statement. Every reference you thought you caught really was a reference, from Romeo + Juliet to Point Break (though that one's pretty blatant). There's even the expected John Woo joke.

I really enjoyed this movie. Everyone should see it. These guys are a sly sort of funny, and always entertaining. I'm really looking forward to whatever they're up to next.

-165/365 down, 200/365 to go

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