Sunday, August 5, 2007

So much more than what you think.

The Movie: Rear Window, directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Recommendation: AFI Top 100.
Reason: It's #48.

Disturbia was okay, but Rear Window just transcends. It's sweet, funny, poignant, entertaining, tense, has all of the necessary parts to be an excellent film. And it is one. Grace Kelly and James Stewart were excellent leads in a story that's as much about our voyeurism as it was about Jeff's.

I don't even feel qualified to review this film. It was just great. The perspective-entirely from Jeff's apartment-was so well planned, the supporting actors did so much with so few lines and so much expressive acting, the characters were sympathetic...I could go on and on. The story was just so human.

I can't not recommend that everyone see this movie. It's just so good. For a film that's entertaining, thoughtful and interesting, I wouldn't look much further.

-162/365 down, 203/365 to go


Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmmmmmmm I am pretty much flattered that you refer to me as DKS. that made me smile and laugh ;) thank-you. lol.
anywho, glad to see you enjoyed the jodie movies (for the most part.) Taxi Driver was prob my fav too, but not really enough jodes is my issue. I have some more jodie movies for you if you are interested...pre-warning they are not great movies (but at least jodes is in them)

Anonymous said...

oops! that comment was supposed to be under a DKS selection (aka the best selections)haha!