Sunday, August 19, 2007

Surprisingly not lame.

The Movie: Sky High, directed by Mike Mitchell
Recommendation: Me.
Reason: I quite like this movie a lot.

Sky High is one of those kids movies that gets overlooked. I wouldn't have seen it if a friend hadn't recommended it to me back when it was still in theaters. It's one of those movies that flew below the radar in spite of a good script, good cast and an interesting premise. It's about a superhero high school that divides kids with powers between the 'hero' class and 'hero support'.

This movie is campy. Gotta get that straight right off the start. It's campy, it's silly and it's fun. If you're looking for action movie cred or some other silly designation, you're not going to find it here. Instead, you'll get Kurt Russell and Kelly Preston being so All-American it hurts. Bruce Campbell and two of five members of the Kids in the Hall (betcha can't guess who, those little Disney-lovin' rascals) add a fun little dash of comedy in their supporting roles. Lastly we have the kids, the centers of attention, and they're not too bad either.

This movie is fun. It's not challenging, the subtext isn't anything weird or psychotic, it's just a fun way to spend some time. It's probably a lot better than that Tim Allen thing, Whoosh or whatever. Don't see that. See Sky High instead.

-175/365 down, 190/365 to go

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