Sunday, April 15, 2007

How had I NOT seen this yet?

The Movie: The Faculty, directed by Robert Rodriguez
Recommendation: Nobody. In fact, Broomie anti-recommended it to me.
Reason: He thought it was a terrible movie. I saw the director, the cast and the plot and could not see any way it could be a bad movie.

It was not a terrible movie. It was, in fact, as awesome as it looked like it was going to be. It was so awesome it overcame its bad acting, plot holes and soundtrack to become a movie that I must one day own. I laughed, I cried (because I was laughing), and I applauded. From "Symptoms of cancer include confusion and scalp loss" to "Run! Run from Famke Janssen's disembodied head!", I loved it.

I need to be very clear on this. I have a deep and unabiding love for some critically panned movies. Josie and the Pussycats and D.E.B.S. come to mind. The Faculty is my kind of movie. I'm a huge fan of Kevin Williamson's work on Scream and Scream 2, I love pretty much anything Robert Rodriguez puts on film, and Jordana Brewster needs more work. I'm a weirdo, essentially, so when I tell you that this movie was hilarious, keep that in mind.

The special effects were the only falling-down point of the film. There are indicators in The Faculty of movies to come, particularily in the creature effects. The big massive monstery thing at the end (oops, spoiler!) looked a lot like some of the Floops from Spy Kids. Foreshadowing, hmm?

-95/365 down, 270/365 to go.

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