Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Mad scientist showdown!

The Movie: Re-Animator, directed by Stuart Gordon
Recommendation: Len
Reason: I was on an H.P. Lovecraft kick. He obliged. :)

Part of my journey through film this year was intended to teach me more about the genres I'm unfamiliar with, but the other part was to learn and experience more about the ones I do know fairly well. Re-Animator is a staple of the latter-a zombie movie. One of my favorite kinds of film. Though Broomie argues that it's more of an 'undead' movie, that's just his excuse for liking it. He's scared of 'real' zombies.

I initially thought that this was just going to be a goreflick. There's certainly plenty of spurting blood and eyeball popping to keep the gorehounds at bay. I wasn't really expecting that the movie would be funny, but it was. I didn't think the movie could possibly squick me, but it did. Stuart Gordon's certainly familiar with his genre-his directing was very reminiscent of Sam Raimi in many places. Come to think of it, there was a very 'Evil Dead' feel to the movie.

This isn't a movie I'd recommend for everyone. It's not a great piece of film, it's never going to be enshrined anywhere for people to watch it and discuss the themes and 'notes'. But it's a good movie, quirky and funny and reminiscent of Sam Raimi's early greatness at the helm of some pretty gory horror-comedy.

-83/365 down, 282/365 to go

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