Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Get thee behind me, satan!

The Movie: Ghost Rider, directed by Mark Steven Johnson
Recommendation: Broomie
Reason: I like comic book movies, and back when this project was first announced (in the early 90's) I was really hyped. Not so much anymore, but Broomie decided we should see it anyway.

Until some very recent successes, superhero comic book movies have been a bit of a joke. Before X-Men, Spiderman and Batman Begins we had Batman and Robin, a mediocre Punisher, and Judge Dredd. Ghost Rider fell into the latter category, combining bad acting with a boring, by-the-numbers plot, bad writing and an overabundance of special effects for the sake of having special effects.

Eva Mendes would probably do well to look into an acting lesson or eight. She was nearly as bad as Britney Spears in what little I've seen of Crossroads. She just doesn't seem to be very good at what she's trying to do, and she emotes like a brick-painfully and without subtlety. Nicolas Cage phoned it in, but at least he seemed to be having fun with the campiness of it all.

The writing was cheesy, with 'badass' and 'funny' lines so clearly demarcated that I half expected a laugh track to kick in. The special effects were just...there. There was one sequence that I think must have been thrown in just so the special effects guys could create it, since it didn't serve the plot at all. The movie was kind of dumb, and didn't really get across what it tried to.

-103/365 down, 262/365 to go

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