Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Uplifting Christmas movies make Gwen something something...

The Movie: It's a Wonderful Life, directed by Frank Capra
Recommendation: AFI Top 100
Reason: It seems like everyone but me watches It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas time. My family watch A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation...I wonder if I should have come clean about that...

Maybe I'm just not in a Christmas mood because it's May. I...didn't really swoon over this movie the way some people do. We'll chalk it up to being all modern and jaded today-I've been reading Battle Royale, so the mood wasn't exactly set for an uplifting experience.

Jimmy Stewart was likeable as the lead character, which just compounded my urges for sickle-style revenge (Battle Royale again, sorry everyone) against everyone who took advantage of him. I mean, it just seems like the guy's entire purpose is to get kicked around by life and everyone around him. And they all have the gall to look shocked when the poor guy snaps? I really did feel badly for him, so at the very least, the film succeeded on that level.

I guess I just wasn't in the mood for it tonight, but I would welcome the possibility of seeing the movie again, in a more appropriate setting. Not a fond holiday memory, but a good film nonetheless.

-104/365 down, 261/365 to go

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