Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sex is a joke in heaven.

The Movie: The News Girl, directed by Jerome Tanner
Recommendation: Nobody.
Reason: First porn of the year!

Yes, gentle readers, I'm reviewing pornography. It's a movie, it's shot on film or in digital, and it sometimes has a plot, characters. It doesn't necessarily have acting. So yes. I've watched the first porn of the year all the way through, and it was pretty boring. Initially it was a sort of fun thing, as The News Girl is one of those self-aware pornos that tries to break the fourth wall and change up the repetitive annoyance that is 'bouncebouncebouncebounce, switch, try not to look bored, match up your bits" and so on.

There's a thin plot here that's a little meta-the main character is a reporter for not-the-Adult Video News, and she's ostensibly trying to figure out who's been killing pornstars. We first hear of this plot at the beginning of the movie, where it is left as the actors and actresses go about their business of 'doin' it'. There are actually some entertaining moments in the movie, including a brief little montage about the poor, poor stand-in guy.

I don't really know how to go about recommending porn. This one at least had some entertaining moments in it, in between the tedious sex scenes. And it wasn't too godawful to look at, despite the usual bad production values and 'actresses' reading lines off of teleprompters or really big markerboards offscreen.

-107/365 down, 258/365 to go

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