Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My god, porn is boring.

The Movie: Jenna Haze is The Sexy Lady, directed by someone in porn valley, I think.
Recommendation: Someone else.
Reason: God, I don't even know.

Porn, even hardcore porn, isn't directed at women at all. Ever, really, even when nice folks like Candide Royale really really try. So this little multi-clip package from Jill Kelly Productions is just a run of the mill sex tape. There are six scenes, ranging from unbelievably dull to mind-bogglingly dull to "Why did I ever allow porn as part of this project" dull. After you've seen a bit of your average, vanilla hardcore porn, you've seen it all. Shots of genitalia that go on for minutes at a time, horrible lighting, bad angles and ugly people. I spent more time dissecting the lighting and the camerawork than I did actually watching the movie, because it was making me fall asleep. The only part that was even remotely interesting was one of the attempted actresses' scars from hideously botched plastic surgery. I'd rather watch something trying to be clever, like 'The News Girl' than this exercise in tedium any day.

-120/365 down, 245/365 to go

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