Thursday, May 3, 2007

Dispatch from Canuckistan

The Movie: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, directed by Larry Charles
Recommendation: No one. So, me!
Reason: I saw Jon Stewart's report on Borat's press conference to promote the movie. I was intrigued.

People from foreign parts are a little odd. That's sort of how most people in Canada and the US think. I'm sure it's the same everywhere. We chat about little foibles and interesting tidbits we've learned about our neighbors and friends around the world, and we hopefully learn about their culture. Some people are xenophobic, scared and angry at the 'foreigners'. And some...some are just easily duped by anyone who seems guileless and has a funny accent. Borat's a movie about all of those people.

I think the best word to describe the film is subversive. It's got blatant shock value (Oh god the wrestling scene is going to haunt me forever), it's got some absurdly anti-semitic, sexist and racist humor, and as you're watching it's hard not to think 'should I be laughing here?'. If you can get past whatever issue you might have with some of the content, I think Sacha Baron Cohen's character has some very enlightening experiences to share. How far can he push people? What can he get them to say or do, just because of what he says he is? It's a little scary, and it's also a bit gonzo.

When it comes down to it, the movie was funny. It's even funny when you stop to think about some of the things Borat and the people around him are saying and doing. And when you consider how hard Sacha Baron Cohen had to work to remain in character and on-game during some of those scenes...this is a worthwhile movie to watch. Just be prepared for the gross stuff.

-105/365 down, 260/365 to go

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