Tuesday, May 15, 2007

To the sky!

The Movie: The Rocketeer, directed by John Johnston
Recommendation: Len
Reason: We remember our childhood.

I love pulpy stories. I always have. I especially like pulp adventures with dashing two-fisted heroes in 40's regalia, battling nazis with the power of SCIENCE!!! The Rocketeer's a fond memory along those lines, standing up with Indiana Jones in the hallowed halls of my childhood. Watching it again was refreshing and fun.

Nostalgia aside, The Rocketeer's still a pretty solid movie. It's visually nice to look at, Jennifer Connelly playing no small part in that. It's campy and not very bright, but it's a movie with heart. There's no need for a lot of excessive special effects.

I'm fond of this one, and I think everyone else should be too. It's a light film, nothing too terribly special. It's a bit like Iron Giant. It's just too nice to pass up. (Also...Terry O'Quinn! Everyone watch the last two episodes of Lost! They're gonna be awesome!)

-113/365 down, 252/365 to go.

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