Sunday, April 22, 2007

Musical cues for the win.

The Movie: The One, directed by James Wong
Recommendation: Broomie
Reason: I apparently needed to see this martial arts movie, due to overwhelming Jet Li and kicking in the face. Therefore, I acquiesced.

I think Jet Li's underrated as an actor. He's really quite talented, as evidenced by The One and Unleashed in particular. Though I can't see him in some of the roles he's been considered for (Li Mu Bai? Really?), he's good enough that I'd have to give the benefit of the doubt. I'm actually a little excited about the upcoming War, where he's reunited with Jason Statham (whose acting chops have grown considerably since The One. For instance, I can usually understand what he's saying nowadays.).

The One was a sort of midrate sci-fi movie that featured people being kicked in the head a lot. The flexibility of the violence potential of the film can be showcased by the original lead-Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. I have no problem with The Rock-like Jet Li, he's a very likeable actor with excellent physical capabilities. I don't think he could have done quite the same job that Jet Li did with this movie, elevating it from a relatively silly premise to a workable face-kicker. There was a little more than kiddy-pool depth to the characters in the film.

Technically speaking...yay! Bullet time done right for once! Bullet time's a cliche now, no longer the OHMYGODCOOL thing it was when Trinity leapt into the air and the camera did a 180 around her. When The One was released, it was still fresh, and the technique wasn't too terribly abused. I think (*gasp, horror*) it was actually well done. Sue me. This was a neat timewaster.

-101/365 down, 264/365 to go

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