Sunday, April 1, 2007

My first Hitchcock.

The Movie: Family Plot, directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Recommendation: I had to watch some Hitchcock, this just happened to get here first.
Reason: See above.

I've never seen a Hitchcock movie before. I used to occasionally see the TV show Alfred Hitchcock Presents, but I didn't really watch it. Family Plot was his last film, apparently, so I'm not certain it's what I should have seen first. Regardless, here we are. I didn't find a lot to be utterly blown away by, but this was a pretty lighthearted, sort of goofy mystery-thriller.

The crossed-wires of the con games made this movie a little funnier than I'd expected. Watching Lost has developed a certain amount of "aww" over con artists (can't help it, Sawyer's the man). So I couldn't really take the movie very seriously. The way it was shot and the engaging characters do make me look forward to seeing more of Hitchcock's work, but it was pretty pedestrian.

-81/365 down, 284/365 to go

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