Monday, June 4, 2007

Baste, dammit!

The Movie: Pieces of April, directed by Peter Hedges
Recommendation: "Kate"
Reason: I pulled this off of the "Kate's Picks" wall at Blockbuster. Hey, it counts!

This movie made me cry. Yeah yeah, me, the big toughie horror movie fan. I'd blame it on hormones, but Pieces of April really deserves the credit. Combining excellent acting by Katie Holmes and Patricia Clarkson (who was brave enough to play a very unpleasant and unsympathetic cancer patient! Go Patricia!), a simple and funny script and a very organic method of filmmaking, it managed to hit the mark.

Pieces of April is billed as a comedy, which I suppose is closest to the truth. It's hard to go to a movie store and pick out movies sometimes, because I don't know that I would have picked this up if it was in amongst its fellow 'comedies'. This movie just seems like it's more than the others it would have been slotted in with.

It was funny. It was sweet. It featured a bitter, snarky, self-centered, family-destroying cancer patient who seemed so real it was painful. It was a good movie, and nobody's telling me otherwise.

-128/365 down, 237/365 to go

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