Sunday, June 10, 2007

The most anticipated dance of all.

The Movie: Little Miss Sunshine, directed by Jonathon Dayton and Valerie Faris
Recommendation: Von Gauzen
Reason: She said it was a weird sort of quirky movie.

I'm hit and miss with independant film. I can't really help it-I've seen some really good work from indie filmmakers, and I've sat through some really bad stuff. I was leery about Little Miss Sunshine, despite everything I'd heard about it. It took me two tries to watch this movie (no fault of the film, entirely me).

I'm glad I made the effort. Little Miss Sunshine's a surprisingly deep, effective movie. The characters are not only well played, they're well thought-out. They have substance, and a good part of that is the acting. The whole core cast was excellent, turning out some nuanced and well done parts. Steve Carrell caught some people off guard by not being hilariously funny in this movie, but he was really, really good. I don't know if I can really pinpoint a particularily awesome performance, though the most emotional part of the movie for me was entirely the responsibility of Paul Dano, playing Dwayne.

This movie wasn't only funny, it was sweet, eccentric and really fun to watch. The ending was very satisfying, in a way few movies manage to be. I actually felt enriched by the experience of watching.

-130/365 down, 235/365 to go

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