Sunday, June 3, 2007

Like Rent, only better

The Movie: Reality Bites, directed by Ben Stiller
Recommendation: Broomie.
Reason: Broomie identifies with Gen-X. Evidently, I don't, even though it seems I'm part of it.

I think the only time I ever really find Winona Ryder charming is when she's in a Tim Burton movie. I know she was the Hollywood Darling for Generation X, she just doesn't appeal to me as a leading lady. Reality Bites sort of revolves around her, so I found it a little boring. I know that's supposedly sacrelige, but I've never gotten on well with coming of age movies that are as blatant as Reality Bites and St. Elmo's Fire. Clerks 2 is the movie that's spoken to me the most, and it's a comedy with a donkey show at the end.

I was a little surprised by how saturated in the 90's this movie is, and how many 'hits' it made in regards to the soundtrack and the cast. It popped a few minor stars into the Hollywood Pantheon and the music that was used was really excellent. Most of it has sustained its popularity into today, no mean feat for the whiny 90's.

This movie didn't drive me wild with nostalgia, but it didn't utterly suck. There were some technically interesting shots that I wouldn't mind seeing the camera placement on. There were some really nice moments and some very genuine acting from Janeane Garafolo and Steve Zahn in particular. I suppose if you long for the days of grunge and Winona Ryder before the criminal charges, this would probably be the movie for you.

-127/365 down, 248/365 to go

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