Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cute Furry Animal Movie #326

The Movie: Over the Hedge, directed by Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick
Recommendation: Dee
Reason: I had to choose between this and Beauty Shop.

I actually watched this a couple of days ago, I just haven't been able to focus myself enough to review it until now. Since I watched it, the one thing I've found myself contemplating more than anything else is Avril Lavigne's voicework. At first I couldn't figure out why, out of everything else the movie had to offer, I fixated on that. Then I understood-her performance was nuanced and natural, the only one of the bunch who actually created a convincing character. No awards are, or should be, forthcoming, but I was impressed that she was even capable of such a feat.

This movie really is a cute fuzzy animated animal movie, every joke just for kids. The only thing it didn't have was the expected singing. The message was pretty loud and clear. I don't disagree with the point of the show. It was just...fairly blatantly presented. I usually enjoy a little more subtlety.

The animation was nice, very clean, though I didn't catch any major new developments or daring attempts at pushing the envelope. I think I watch too much Pixar for that. The voicework was generally alright, though Wanda Sykes was criminally underused. Basically, the movie accomplished what it set out to-make a kids movie, cram in a message and the kids might like it.

-141/365 down, 224/365 to go

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