Monday, July 2, 2007

Is there any way we can make the movie go faster?

The Movie: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, directed by Adam Mackay.
Recommendation: Dee
Reason: "It's another quotably funny Will Ferrell movie!"

I'm starting to wish that more movies came out that weren't quotable. Movies that just left you with a sort of 'wink and nod if you've seen it' crowd. I have no idea if that's even possible, so instead Will Ferrell gets another greenlight. Talladega Nights comes from a lot of the same people as Anchorman, which was possibly the highlight of Ferrell's career so far. This take on Nascar and racing movies in general was alright, though the pacing was absolutely awful.

Will Ferrell has range and depth, he just chooses not to use it. While he managed to create a full-bodied but still ridiculous character in Anchorman, he does no such thing here. Ricky Bobby's his usual idiot-squared, propped up by sidekicks who are barely more competent than himself. The character's absurdity just doesn't balance as well as his previous creations have.

This movie could have been a lot tighter. It abruptly stopped being remotely engaging during the repeated 'you can do it' speeches, started by the Nicole-Kidman-in-Days-of-Thunder imitator. Though I was mildly entertained until that point, chemical intervention would have been necessary to elevate the remainder of the movie from the pit it fell into.

-137/365 down, 228/365 to go

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