Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I want to major in Skepticism.

The Movie: Accepted, directed by Steve Pink
Recommendation: Dee
Reason: I admit it. I like those Mac vs. PC ads, and we both have wanted to watch Accepted since it was first advertised.

So, Justin Long's actually pretty funny, and I'm looking forward to seeing him in Live Free or Die Hard. I'm sure it'll be a tour de force. In Accepted he was quite good, entertaining without being too stupid. It was a good thing he was involved actually, since his supporting cast was a little weak.

The story of the film definitely stretches credibility-losers start their own college in an old mental institute. It's a fun premise though, and if you can get past the ludicrousness, it's an enjoyable movie. I just sat back and enjoyed the 'school' as it was presented. Who wouldn't go to a class that was essentially a bitter old man ranting and raving about whatever came to mind? I know some of the more entertaining lectures I ever attended were exactly that. I learned a lot from them too.

Not a lot of innovation in this movie, though it felt very personal. The writing really brought that perspective forward and developed some empathy for the main characters. Their situations were described in quick broad strokes, then they were allowed to develop from there. I was, at the very least, entertained.

-142/265 down, 223/365 to go

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