The Movie: Superman Returns, directed by Brian Singer
Recommendation: More like an anti-recommendation.
Reason: Everyone I know who saw this movie before I did refused to rewatch it with me.
My first impression upon walking away from this movie is that Brian Singer set out to make a Superman movie that was everything Superman isn't. Superman Returns is a muddled, jumbled mess of canon and interpretation. Where Singer's slice-and-dice of X-Men canon made the result leaner and easier to understand, he's cut away at the wrong parts of Superman. It just seemed as though he did everything wrong here. He added a kid, cast most of the more annoying actors in Hollywood (including my personal arch-nemesis, Parker Posey) and unfortunately set up Superman's romantic side against a guy who's really just...nice.
As Supes, Brandon Routh is boring and vaguely uncharismatic. I hate to say it, but after reading the list of men who were previously considered for the role (while they were bouncing the scripts between directors like a volleyball), I've got a shortlist who could've easily bettered Routh's performance. Let's not even get into annoyingly flat and uninteresting Kate Bosworth. Once again, there were better Lois Lanes that could have occupied space and been damseled at earliest convenience. There is also no reason AT ALL that PARKER POSEY had to be in the movie. NO REASON AT ALL. She had no point. All she did was shuffle after Kevin Spacey and whine in that awful high pitched voice that sprouts directly from hell.
Speaking of the master. Kevin Spacey's campy Lex Luthor was probably the only one in the whole movie that made it worth watching. He was a good supervillain, and I wish they'd given him more to work with. Also, James Marsden made me like him a little, which was a feat since I kept thinking of Cyclops every time I saw him. And Cyclops is a dick. Superman just happened to be the bigger dick in this movie.
-140/365 down, 225/365 to go
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