Friday, January 12, 2007

How do you get ambushed by a planet?

Movie: Transformers: the Movie, directed by Nelson Shin
Reccomendation: Broomie
Reason: We're children of the 80's, and he just really wanted to watch the movie.

When I was a kid in the 80's, I was a pretty big fan of cartoons. Jem and the Holograms, Thundercats, Smurfs, those were my favorites. Transformers was more my brother's thing, though we did play with the toys together a lot. Ever since it was announced that Michael Bay was making a live action Transformers movie, I've been watching all the fuss with a bit of amusement. I didn't really have all of the same fond memories my fellow 80's children did. Watching this movie didn't bring back the sort of nostalgia I really expected.

The first time we tried watching this movie I missed a few important plot points, but the second time through (complete with two huge fans who did have that nostalgia I didn't) was much easier on my head. I mostly switched off my brain and enjoyed the happenings onscreen. I can understand now how the Transformers movie was so significant for fans of the show-a good quantity of the main cast gets completely annihilated in the opening acts.

There isn't a lot I can say about Transformers. It was alright, and the experience was definitely enhanced by watching with people who really love and miss the series. The animation was solid 80's Bakshi, the voice talent surprisingly well picked.

-7/365 done, 358/265 to go

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