Saturday, January 27, 2007

Spinal Tarp?

The Movie: This is Spinal Tap, directed by Rob Reiner
Recommendation: H
Reason: "For so, so many reasons" Thanks H. Way to not be vague. :)

Christopher Guest might be my hero. He's certainly one of my favorite writer/directors, and I really like his style. He's got an excellent sense for finding funny in the most straightforward, mundane sorts of things. Until recently, I didn't even know Spinal Tap was a Guest film (and it sort of isn't, since he wrote and starred, instead of his usual gig of writing, directing and co-starring). It was missing a few things here and there-Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara, for instance, but that doesn't mean the movie lacked a single thing.

Spinal Tap, for the three people who didn't know, is a mockumentary in Guest's usual style, directed by Rob Reiner (may he be forever deified for The Princess Bride). It follows a truly awful rock band (Spinal Tap) through their ill-fated second tour of America. Along the way, interviews are done, songs are performed and hilarity is had by all as Spinal Tap pokes fun at rock bands, rock songs (Fat Bottomed Girls!), rockumentaries, Yoko Ono and everything it lays its hands on. The drummers explode. Fran Drescher cusses out the band's manager. The dials go up to eleven.

It was a fun time. I like Guest's movies for the subtle fun that they poke at their subjects. They're documentaries with a sort of an edge, looking for the funny below the surface rather than treating their subjects entirely seriously. This was a fun film from a fun perspective, as usual.

-23/365 down, 342/365 to go

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